My unwavering belief that no creative project is too challenging, combined with my eagerness to learn, allows me to create work that my clients are happy with.
Hey! Did you know you can hire me as a freelancer? While I studied game art, my skills go far beyond 3D modeling and texturing. I also do illustration, logo design & branding, photography, painting, video editing, and more. Need help with a creative project? Don’t hesitate to reach out!
Below, you’ll find examples of past freelance work along with the duration of the project. Pricing varies depending on the project and my level of experience with the task. Even if you’re on a limited budget, I’d love to discuss possibilities—I'm always eager to take on projects that inspire me and help me grow.
My unwavering belief that no creative project is too challenging, combined with my eagerness to learn, allows me to create work that my clients are happy with. I'm excited to do the same for you!